Total Recall movie is about a factory worker named Douglas Quaid. The film does a detailed job of creating its cities. The movie shows 2084, by the end of the 21st century, where the Earth is devastated by chemical warfare. Earth is uninhabitable because of chemical warfare, except for two areas: a federation centered on the British isles and a colony on former Australia. In comparison, their environments are rather distinct. The colony seems to be countless small hovels endlessly stacked on top of one another, like the dwellings you can see clinging to the sides of other buildings in Hong Kong. The colony represents an oriental soul that floats throughout a deconstructive architecture that is somewhat similar to the Habitat 67 design in Montreal.This suspended city designed on water is a probable model of tomorrow's unpredictable third world. On the opposite, in technology, the United Federation of Britain is well established, such as aerial highways where great action scenes occur. These highways connect distinct urban layers that also shape a suspended community. For the eyes, every scene is a pleasure.

Australia is used in the movie as a colony subordinated to Britain's control. The Colony is like a company town for the UFB fancy-pants: the important people live up North and the workers live down South, in the dirty, crowded, rainy second-class region. In order to commute to the UFB, where the jobs are, the workers travel via a tunnel that goes through the core of the planet. Workers from the colony provide factory labor for the federation, which sidesteps the commute time by linking them in what looks to be a tunnel straight through the Earth. “The Fall,” a gravity elevator through the Earth's core which takes 17 minutes to traverse. The future is about saving more time for things that actually matter and spending less and less time on the things which aren’t productive enough like traveling. In real life we can’t imagine traveling through the earth’s core just to go work. Even if such a speed were possible for the commute and might be necessary, it would eventually take much longer for the craft to avoid the gravitational force from the middle of the Earth to dig the initial tunnel. Just to compare: a deep-drilling project named Hot Dry Rock at Los Alamos just went into the Earth a few miles and, according to W. Scott Baldridge, It took about a decade for scientists to build the equipment that would allow the drilling to be performed.

Movie is about memory modification, which works well because it’s terrifying but imaginable. A company called rekall that can implant fake memories and erase real ones with the help of a futuristic machine. The movie is showing that as he having dreams of unknown women from his past or his real life which is traumatizing him with his boring daily job. So, he decides to go to rekall where he can modify his memory. If you want to remove, trauma does that, so if you are in a terrible car accident you might not remember the car that hit you. Amnesia is pretty easy to come by, but selective amnesia is not feasible. Forgetting is healthy. It’s when people can’t forget that life becomes difficult, which is why post traumatic stress disorder is such a problem for the military.

Movie also shows about advanced security check where Doug is using a device to change his facial projection and make him look like someone else. This kind of technology can be helpful as well as bad if get into the wrong hands. It can be used to either steal money by changing identity or help rescue someone by fooling people and taking out the bad guys. There are many aspects of advanced technology it can be very useful if its used properly and in an appropriate manner or it can result in a massive illegal operation.