Macy Fellers & Breanna Parker
Like the hyperloop, Vigesimal was created to benefit future generations. Our hyperloop campus is named for the unprecedented year that is the inspiration for its development: 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has redefined the way of life on earth, and many are still adjusting to the “new normal”. Vigesimal invites you to get comfortable and settle in-because the new normal doesn’t have to get old.
The possible future reality that Vigesimal exists in is shaped by the pandemic. Our campus adapts to the challenges of social distancing and isolation by transporting its users and visitors in pods through a pipe system that is embedded in the program. Visitors of the campus will arrive in their vehicle, enter an individual pod, and proceed to a public program such as the restaurant or theater, while others that come to the campus daily, such as engineers and technologists, will access an underground garage, which has connections to private programs such as labs and offices. In addition, the interior program allows for the spaces to be navigated on foot. In the public program, fever-detecting and sterilizing cells are located at each pod landing.
The interior and exterior pipe systems allow travel through and around the entire campus, but their purpose goes beyond just transportation. The pipes intertwine themselves within the programs and unite the shifts in elevation by offering views of the building and of others that redefines the users’ relationship with structure. This union is intended to transfigure “structure” into an organism, whose life source is its users.
Whatever reality awaits us, the essence of the Vigesimal Campus remains the same: program, people, and circulation are one being. Our ability to adapt to our current reality has inspired a new form of circulation that signifies our ability to adapt to any reality.