Megan Saraniti & Jayda Vorndran
In the year 2012 Elon Musk publicly announced his idea for a new mode of transportation, The Hyperloop. The Hyperloop would convey people or objects at hypersonic speeds while being the most energy efficient mode of transportation to ever exist. However, by the year 2030 the human race had made earth, as we know it, unrecognizable. The number one factor that caused this to happen is the excessive amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide that had been released into the atmosphere due to cars, busses, trains, airplanes, etc. Luckily, by the year 2062, Elon Musk was able to fabricate his idea of an energy efficient, friction free pod capable of transporting individuals at hypersonic speed. The Hyperloop has had time to develop and is now up and running nationwide, it has become the easiest, and most effective mode of transportation. With this new and advanced technology, being able to transport one for a fraction of the cost and time, it has become the number one form of transportation and has already helped to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide and monoxide in the atmosphere.
The campus is set in two time periods, 2030 & 2062.
Located in the middle of the Nevada desert emerged the first Hyperloop campus built on our unrecognizable apocalyptic earth. This campus is designed to make you feel as if you were back in 2030 when the earth was at its worst. The Hyperloop emerges through the middle of the campus and introduces a sense of hope into the future of the earth.
‘Elysium’ unites corporate utopia inside of an apocalyptic dystopian earth. The Hyperloop introduces futuristic and energy efficient state of the art technology that is always kept clean and in order. This same identity is prominent throughout the entirety of the interior of the campus. At the same time, the exterior incites a feeling of dystopia, reaffirming the Earth’s trauma in the 2030’s.
The campus takes cues from sci-fi films, “Ready Player One” and “Alita: Battle Angel”, which consist of an entirely new world that was built on top of a previously existing one. A war manufactured by humans demolished the once elaborate and gorgeous lands that thrived on Earth. Films are created to show the horrible effects humans have on the ecosystem and the planet in general. The reality is, these issues don’t just exist in science fiction. The planet is not being taken care of the way it should be, and cyberpunk movies are taking the beat-up planet and turning it into a new oasis. By creating these two different aesthetic moods in our campus we are able to show the corruption that the human race has caused on Earth and how the new advances in technology are able to help the environment become balanced once more.