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Empyrean: 2220


What has Empyrean become?

Empyrean has developed into a full science sanctuary, rather than a hybrid with a hyperloop research center. As time went on people started relying more heavily on technology and science in order to survive and thrive in the world. New islands have begun slowly sprouting along the fully developed hyperloop track and spreading the scientific beliefs of Empyrean.

What are the conditions on Earth? And how have they affected Empyrean?

Pollution has risen exponentially with people’s materialistic desires and disregard for its environmental impact. Everyone’s focus is on technology and its uses in science, so they have abandoned hope for the environment. These conditions have caused Empyrean to have many physical damages throughout the years. The metal has deteriorated and stained due to air pollution. Focus on maintaining the state of the buildings has lowered because of the idealization of the pinnacle of scientific innovation, the hyperloop. So, all energy is put into restoring and taking care of the hyperloop so that it can thrive during these times.

How have users impacted the space?

People’s need for something to believe in as the earth has degraded has caused more and more people to worship science. So, the popularity of Empyrean has increased as it was the first place to start this revolutionary worship. Due to this, the space has become a fully functioning science sanctuary, instead of a research center and the programs have almost entirely changed from its beginnings.

How has the hyperloop influenced the progression of Empyrean?

The hyperloop has made Empyrean a ray of light in the year 2220. People look to technology and science for guidance and hope, so with the convenience of travel from the hyperloop, Empyrean has been able to gain much traction throughout the years. It has advanced from a research center to a full-on science sanctuary because of the hope created by the hyperloop.

As technology has improved how has this changed Empyrean?

Technology and scientific innovation are the two pillars that Empyrean was founded upon. Success in new innovation goes hand in hand with the purpose of praising and worshipping innovation. As the hyperloop expanded not only has this brought attention to the train but as well as the Campus and the vision of Empyrean. The original occupants of Empyrean were the original people to treat science and innovation as a celestial power. While the structure and environment has deteriorated

How has cyberpunk influenced Empyrean? And how does cyberpunk support the idea of science being a celestial power?

Cyberpunk has heavily influenced the structure as well as the premise of Empyrean. In typical dystopian futures, technology is a focal point of life that people rely on. This is the case for Empyrean where people are inspired to innovate and discover new possibilities. The white-metallic exterior with blue accents connects a ritualistic setting with a dystopian world in need of saving.

Two hundred years have passed since the hyperloop was simply a test track. Now the hyperloop has expanded to each corner of North America. Allowing people to easily and quickly travel to any destination. While the hyperloop has grown to become the most common form of transportation, what ties does it still have with Empyrean?

Empyrean is and always will be the birthplace of the hyperloop. Expanding across the country was always the intent that the scientists and inhabitants of Empyrean had. The environment in which the hyperloop was created and developed, is the reason for its success. With the world’s leading scientists and engineers constantly researching and developing new methods to enhance the hyperloop, the success of this project was predestined.

Now that the hyperloop is fully integrated into society and playing a large role in transportation, the scientific sanctuary has filled its purpose for the new transport system. What is next for Empyrean?

The premise of Empyrean is to worship science and innovation, and discover new ways of changing our world for the better. Not every opportunity for something to be improved will always present itself, so it is important for society to seek out ways of resolving everyday issues. With a world so dependent on technology, there are an endless amount of dated and archaic products and practices that Empyrean can innovate.



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