Robert Chew is an American digital concept illustrator/artist, and character designer who is currently employed in the software industry at Gearbox Software in Frisco, Texas. He began his career at Riot Games, an American video game developing company, then became a freelance concept illustrator/artist for Fantasy Flight Games, ngmoco (video game publisher), RGH Themed Entertainment, and Zoic Studio (visual effects company). Throughout all of these jobs, Chew created theme park designs, characters, illustrations for books and mobile games, concept art for commercials, and paintings.

Chew is an animal enthusiast and is a volunteer at an international anti-poaching reserve in Zimbabwe. At this reserve, he monitors and observes endangered animals. A big part of his personal profile is a project entitled “Big Five”. The project explores the world of anti-poaching in poaching predominant areas, like Africa, by using autonomous drones and robotics built to resemble the animals they are made to protect. This being said, the vast majority of his artwork draws inspiration from nature, technology, science, mythology, and mechanics. Chew once said, “In my work, I attempt to emphasize function and believability while still stretching the limits of what can be thought of as real”. Chew tries to make his artwork very dynamic, meaning his pieces are very fluid and can change their look with the surrounding context. Each of his pieces in his “Big Five” collection has its own unique character in order to help decrease poaching.

The drone characteristics of each animal in Chew’s collections have their own purpose in sustaining anti-poaching. One specific piece in Chew’s “Big Five” collection is the elephant drone. The elephant drone is described as the “backbone of anti-poaching operations,” taking on the defensive position. Elephants are the largest living land animals, and in some cultures, they are seen as a symbol of protection. The elephant drone resembles a mighty protector of species. In Chew’s view of drone combat, the elephant drone is stated as, “a walking fortress”. The elephant drone not only serves a protective role but also aids transportations and heavy loads.

Another animal that was reinvented by Chew to fight and protect against animal poaching is the rhino. The rhino drone, similar to the elephant drone, can be used for defensive purposes. The rhino, on the other hand, is also an offensive being and is flexible in battle. In African culture, the rhino is seen as a symbol of leadership. Chew’s depiction of the drone rhino is strength and resilience. The rhino, just as all animals, plays its own role, unique to its character.
Concept art emerges in the field of occult, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. In terms of its reality, works like Chew’s are not so impossible to imagine. Many sci-fi films and illustrations are based on the perception of what the future will or could hold. The idea of giant drone animals taking the place of anti-poaching activists in the wild is truly not that unbelievable. It takes away from the humanistic qualities of the world but develops on what may soon be seen as humanistic. Many works of concept art are based on realities that are modified to evoke some kind of experience or sense of unease. Fantastic as they may be, concept art serves a greater purpose than just being an outstanding piece of art. This reflects the built world and architecture in the fact that, as architects, we create structures not just to create something for the eye, but for the overall experience and necessity. Concept art serves to enhance our perception of what the future holds. In architecture, we can only imagine what is to become and think about how we can push the boundaries of design.
Prosthetics and the use of biotechnology have produced an entirely new world in Chew’s concept of art. These animals have become new beings whose missions are to protect the species they are designed after. They are not extensions of the original beings, because they serve a direct purpose and only resemble their original being externally. Concepts like animatronic animals are not too far out of reach. For example, Boston Dynamics has already advanced the field of robotics with its animatronic dog, Spot. As the world and technology advance, the once unrealistic concepts depicted in works such as Chew are being our new reality.
Works Cited
Chew, Robert. Big Five,