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The Anthropocene, Can We Fix It?


The Anthropocene, a geological time period where the human race has been the supreme influence on Earth's geology, climate and environment. Homosapiens have caused mass extinctions, of plants and animals, and polluted the atmosphere and oceans. Scientists argue when exactly the beginning of this time period started, but they all know it exists. Humans were caught up in the evolutionary inventions created to make their lives better. Little did they know these inventions would soon be destroying the surface they live on. The start of this time period was the beginning of the evolutionary downfall. No one knows for sure if these changes can be undone, but one can only hope for a life after the Anthropocene.

Tackling the environmental and social crisis in today's world a philosopher, Leonardo Caffo, said “The future looks like a hut not a skyscraper.” It’s simple, every hum

an living on Earth knows the future of the planet does not look good. If an architect were to suggest building a simple environmentally friendly hut, instead of a skyscraper, they'd get laughed at. Individuals know but do not care or consider what their building choice impacts. Architects must design with a new approach, one that works with the atmosphere and environment, not against it.

JAO’s envision of a ‘post Anthropocene’ relies on architecture to generate a revamped society. A life where the raging environmental and social problems result in an entirely new type of architecture.

JAO’s project includes five new types of architecture, New York Ark, the Beijing Smog Free Tower, Amsterdam Sin City, Manila Garbage-Recycling Furniture Factory, and Reykjavik Data Centre. All the new types were produced based on the challenges each location faces today. For example, in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, an abundant amount of garbage is produced daily causing intense air pollution. The new type of architecture envisions the garbage turning into reusable objects. JAO states, “the recyclable waste is processed in the reuse factory to make environmentally-friendly furniture and then displayed in the roof-top garden sales. the non-recyclable waste will be filtered, processed, completely combusted, and after filtering out harmful substances, the remaining exhaust gas is discharged into the atmosphere.” Not only would this be a solution for overcrowded landfills, it would also manufacture new amenities. These envisions help individuals understand the future world we could be living in.

Cyberpunk has also prepared the human race for possible outcomes. Movies, illustrations, and art pieces show us a future world where humans have adapted and made changes to the life post Anthropocene. Movies consist of a world where Earth has been dismantled and pieced back together to create a city. This city can be broken down and rusty, shiny and technologic, or both combined. In the post Anthropocene, or apocalyptic age, technology plays a key role. Technology is a tool that can help take pressure off of Earth. One example of this technology is the recently invented hyperloop. Elon Musk

and SpaceX collaborated in the design process of the hyperloop, a magnetically levitating pod that can reach up to a speed of 760 mph. This transportation method can reduce the amount of pollution coming from vehicles and air travel. Using renewable energy, solar panels charge the battery that operates the pods. By making this the main type of transportation around the world we could create less pressure and start to recoil our mistakes made during the Anthropocene time period. Homosapies caused these mistakes, hopefully they can fix them too.



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