Megan Saraniti & Jayda Vorndran

Elysium by the year 2220 has matured into the number one headquarters for hyperloop development. The hyperloop is now up and running and is the most energy-efficient mode of transportation. Within the campus, existing programs have been expanded and new ones have been introduced. With this expansion taking place, more and more energy was being used. Wind turbines and solar panels have been installed to make the campus more energy efficient. Although the overall campus has been improved the Earth conditions have not. The air quality has decreased significantly with an increase in wind and sand storms. The following is an interview taking place between Megan Saraniti and Jayda Vorndran where they answer questions regarding the future of their hyperloop desert campus.
In the year 2220, what has this space become? Has the space-grown within the last 200 years?
Within the last 200 years, Elysium has matured into a first-rate world headquarters for hyperloop development. Since 2020 the campus has been able to triple in size, expanding along the length of the track. This expansion allows for more hyperloop pods to be made quickly and efficiently. With connection all along the track, the pods can easily be transferred on and off the track for immediate use.
Since the expansion of your structure has any new program been introduced?
With the expansion, several new programs have been introduced. A set of apartment-like spaces, for full-time hyperloop employees, has been added to make living accommodations easier. Along with a new cafeteria on the other side of campus to give employees quicker options. An energy storage facility was also created in order to collect and distribute the power created from our new renewable energy resources.

What renewable energy sources have been added?
Renewable energy has continued to shape the hyperloop and Elysium campus. Solar panels and wind turbine farms have been established on nearby plots of land in the desert. When the sun is out and not blocked by storms solar panels are able to power the campus. While the dust storms take over and the sun goes away the wind turbines are able to take over in powering the campus and surrounding areas.
What has happened with the development of the Hyperloop?
Following the completion of the hyperloop, a tremendous leap has been made in the transportation system. By this time the hyperloop has progressed to be the top mode of transportation since it opened to the public. The hyperloop has continued to grow and develop as more and more routes appear nationwide. Gas-powered vehicles have been completely abolished, and electric transportation is all that remains. The cost of transportation is next to nothing and the travel time has been dramatically reduced.
What are the conditions like on Earth? Are they better or worse?
The conditions on Earth have gotten worse. Earth was not able to get better before electric power had taken over. Our enormous carbon footprint has left the Earth with poor air quality, little to no ice in the arctic, and a dramatic increase in storms of all kinds nationwide. With the decrease in air quality and an increase in storms, people are spending less time outdoors.
How has the change in Earth's conditions impacted the desert surrounding the structure?
Since the increase in storms, the desert conditions have not been completely ideal. The high winds and sand storms have made it extremely hard to go outside and keep the campus kempt. With that being said it has not been easy to keep up with plant life, causing it to become overgrown. In order to divert the extreme wind and sand storms, a curved dome structure is currently in the process of being developed. We hope these walls will allow us to once again enjoy the exterior courtyards and landscape of Elysium.
Has the cyberpunk genre continued to influence the structure?
The cyberpunk genre has continued to influence the expansion of Elysium. The shiny white walls were continued throughout the interior of the expansions, keeping the new interior coherent with the old. The exterior of the structure started to look more worn down and rusted from the harsh weather conditions and the lack of people working on the exterior.
How has the improvement of technology impacted the structure?
With the on-going development of technology the hyperloop now has the highest form of technology on par with NASA. The entire structure is now connected through a system of automation, much like that of smart homes or an Alexa speaker. Entryways and rooms are technologically advanced and work in correlation with voice activation. Having technology in every space helps for better communication, air quality control, and energy efficiency.
Following this Interview between Megan Saraniti and Jayda Vorndran the future of Elysium is looking good. With the increase in technology and expansion of the hyperloop around the world, energy efficiency is the top priority. Elysium is and will hopefully always be the top headquarters for the hyperloop throughout the entire world.