“The day without producing one single piece of art was a wasted day for me.” -Darek Zabrocki

Darek Zabrocki’s visuals are quite diverse as he strives to be as versatile as he can be. He finds great joy in his ability to create his unique artwork that is different rather than repeating his own or that of another artist. As some of his influences come from nature, people, our lives and the world around him as well as being influenced by movies and documentaries. His visuals can be related to the context of science fiction in his use of both nature in combination with a post-apocalyptic and future punk style of art. One of his works, “Mouse Guard”, creates a new world. A world in which is looked at through the eyes of a mouse. Using inspiration from our own world along with some science fiction ideas, he was able to create a new world building.
The role of concept art in the realm of world building is to show there are endless possibilities in that you can use the real world around you to influence this new world you're creating along with completely new or unrealistic ideas. Concept art is then used to help convey these ideas from the artist to the client in a way that not only helps to develop the project at hand, but also to help show the progress of the work that's being done. In the Art Station Magazine, Darek Zabrocki states, “I needed to start painting from nature, analyzing the surrounding world, and being more aware of what was happening around me. I learned to understand the role of things that could help improve my skills as a concept artist.”

Zabrocki’s work is relatively evenly balanced between both the real world and the film world. He is inspired by our life here on earth as well as pulling inspiration from different works of science fiction which then shows through his work. With his diverse influences, he is able to create many different styles of works through his understanding of the role of the things we have here around us in our world. Again in the Art Station Magazine, Darek Zabrocki states,
“I’m inspired by nature, people around me and actually, our life on

the earth: as well as movies, I love watching documentaries like Cosmos. It all has an impact on my ideas, which form in my head immediately, very often unexpectedly.” Zabrocki’s work has
been featured in and has influenced many different movies as well as video games. Using our world around us to influence his concept art in creating a new built

comes to life in the new built world. He uses the same concepts from our world in his art and puts the science fiction twist on it by using the perspective of an animal or fictional species. He can also do the opposite by putting a normal human into a completely different built environment.
Works Cited:
Zabrocki, D. (2019). About Me. Retrieved October 05, 2020, from https://www.darekzabrocki.com/about
Thacker, J. (2014, October 10). Concept artist and illustrator Darek Zabrocki. Retrieved October 05, 2020, from https://magazine.artstation.com/2014/10/concept-artist-illustrator-darek-zabrocki/