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Updated: Oct 19, 2020

By: Nicholas Varga

Artyom Turskyi is a concept designer at GSC Game World in Kyiv, Ukraine. His portfolio speaks many languages and forms thousands of words as his designs create a second language to the people. Here it is where Artyom creates stunning visuals and works of art that are influenced by a common sub genre that involves its relationship with society of the future. Artyom creates his designs with an aesthetic background in the concept of cyberpunk. Here it is where humans and machines coalesce with one another in society to bring about a new world as a part of the outcome.

In relation to the larger setting of science fiction, the visuals that Artyom creates transpose the idea of the future with reality. It is here within these visuals, Artyom designs and conjures the idea of technology within a future setting with humanity still present. The science fiction aspect holds true in that many of his designs feature futuristic fictional machines that can fly and crawl upon the earth as a means of transportation or a refuge to the people. The visuals use a high quality of aesthetic design to show how each detail is successfully purposed in the larger outcome of the project. This key aspect in science fiction influences the built environment in that it shows how technology transformed the built environment. People, items and beings now longer have to be in the same place for long and can transport themselves using these futuristic structures to move bounds across a landscape. This shows how humanity is capable of achieving a future where technology is so advanced that it supports life's needs. The aesthetics of his work show how complex and technological these forms are and illustrate a purpose for survival. His work leans towards a future of technological advancement.

The visual design in relation to the built environment is another story. This type of design takes place in the future where technology is the predominant source of transportation, design, society, and life. Through the designs of Artyom, technology is evolving the structures. They all feature futuristic qualities and are changing environments constantly. With transportation changing, these forms no longer have to reside in a common area. This dives into a sense of future-realism where humanity is evolving with tech and are able to adapt to more than one place at a time with these kinetic structures. Although, some designs adapt to the landscape becoming part of a whole with nature. The correlation that can be found is that the visuals are directly related to their environment through technology. Most visuals involve machines that roam the Earth adapting to their environment or forms that are embedded with the earth to become a part of the environment. The visuals are directly responding to the environment through technological advancements specifically designed to handle and conform to the surroundings of that area. Once conformed, life can thus prosper again creating new ways of life for people.

This concept art is directly related to world building. Artyom has created many visuals that dive deep into the idea of cyber fiction and technology. His ideas are also being influenced towards the idea of world building. In world building, a fictional world is being processed and as a result, new fictional creations occur dominating the newly born landscape. Artyom's work shows how technology creates a world of its own. The visuals are creating various scenarios where the technological advancements made are ruling the environment creating their own world. From earth crawlers, to space ships, to megastructures, Artyom's ideas and concepts are revolutionized through society by having people depend on these concepts. They rely solely on these machines to carry out their daily tasks and support their well being. They are being translated to a world which people of today could possibly expect in the future. The idea of world building is not far from human reach and is becoming more apparent each day. With the visual detail of Artyoms concepts, people are able to see just what could be created in the future.

Many motion pictures feature the idea of science fiction that shows the possibilities of what the future has in store for humanity. This theme or genre has many important design schemes in film resulting from how technology grows to humanity falling. This is apparently present in many video games and movies where humanity must learn to survive using technology’s aid from machines, software, AI, and many more. These ideas take a lot from real life in that it represents the possibility of what the world might become if we overuse technology. It also shows how people are constantly evolving and moving towards a destination where technology is an important part of life and people live through different forms of tech. These games and films show the people what life could possibly be like through a technological standpoint. These technological forms illustrate different storylines that could possibly lead to an uncertain future where technology may or may not dominate. As time continues, the science fiction ideas are slowly becoming truth and that is seen through Artyoms incredible detail.


“Turskyi, Artyom.” Artstation,

Turskyi, Artyom. “The Futuristic Sci-Fi Art of Artyom Turskyi.” this-is-cool,

Turskyi, Artyom. “The Science Fiction Concept Art of Artyom Turskyi.” this-is-cool,



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