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Alita: Battle Angel, Technology Takes Over


Alita: Battle Angel is an American cyberpunk-action film created in 2019. This film takes place in 2563, exactly 300 years after Earth was critically damaged by a disastrous war known as “The Fall”. One day a doctor discovered half of a cyborg girl laying in the rummage of a junkyard and decided to fix her up. He built her an entirely new robotic body and named her Alita, after his deceased daughter. Alita had no memory of her past life, but she went into the new world to find her destiny. In the film the Earth consisted of 4 different “sections” or places to live. The first section is for the majority of the population and is located on the ground. The ground consists of rusty old shops and homes that are compacted very close together, known as

the Iron City. Buildings are composed of hundreds of homes stacked on top of each other and the streets are filthy and over crowded. The next section is also on the ground, but very few live there. That place consists of lavish homes and office buildings where people of the upper class, or people in power, live and work, known as the Factory. The Factory is owned by Vector, the only governing authority Iron City has. The people who live on the ground, the poor, tend to stay away from the factory as much as they can. Individuals who work for the factory are often seen throughout the city in nicer clothes and vehicles then the others. The third section is called the underground, located beneath the built up new ground. The underground is made up of waste and debris from when Earth was practically destroyed by the war. Very few live down there, and almost no one steps foot underground for fun. The last section, Zalem, is the perfect utopian city, located in the sky and hovers above the city beneath it. Nova is the wealthy ruler of the city and never lets people from the ground join his life in the sky.

The Iron City may be a rundown junkyard, but what lies beneath the city is unpleasant. Underneath the built-up skyscrapers created from rusty box homes, sits the wreckage once produced from a war. An entirely new world was built on top of a previously existing one. A war manufactured by humans demolished the once elaborate and gorgeous lands that thrived on Earth. Films are created to show the horrible effects humans have on the ecosystem and the planet in general. The planet is not being taken care of the way it should be and cyberpunk movies are taking the beat up planet and turning it into a new oasis. The Iron City and Zalem are the corroded yet flourishing cities brought together from the rubbish of previously existing places. In these corroded cities lies new technologically advanced games, one known as

Motorball. Motorball takes place in the only building with flashy neon lights and screaming crowds. While in the stadium cyborgs don’t feel as though they are in the rundown city, instead they feel as though they have more power and hope for the better.

Ido, a human and cyborg doctor, is the one who found Alita. Ido specializes in surgeries ranging anywhere from a normal human surgery to mechanically connecting a cyborg back together. As long as a human's brain is still alive it can be surgically implanted onto a robot's body, turning the once human into a new cyborg. In order for the human species to stay alive it has to rely heavily on technology. I believe the heavy reliance on technology can have terrible consequences for the human race. The more technology used, the less human society becomes.

This film fasts forward to a time period where not only do humans use technology for everyday tasks, but they depend upon new technological advances to keep the human mind intact. Today's social norm is having the technology needed to keep in touch with individuals who are everywhere in the world. If an individual in the world we currently live in does not have a smartphone or a computer at their side, then they don’t receive as much information as others do. Humans are attached to their telecommunications and cyberpunk movies are predicting what the human race is going to look like in hundreds of years. Humans will no longer be the superior species, but instead robotics and technology will take over the world to become more superior than anything else.



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